
We have a number of vacancies on St Mary’s Hospice Board of Trustees and are keen for our board to more fully represent the community we serve.

Some of the skills and experience we specifically need is in Communications and Marketing, Digital Technology, Human Resources and Equality and Diversity. We also consider applications from anyone who feels they have something to contribute. We want to reflect the diversity of the local population in all characteristics; including but not limited to, ethnicity, gender, faith/nonfaith, age and disability. We also find our Board is under-represented by people living in the area known as Low Furness or Furness Peninsula and would value applications from residents here.

What’s expected of you, if you become a trustee?

You will be committed to helping us grow and develop. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never served on a board or been a trustee before (in fact, it can helpful if you haven’t). Your contribution is always valuable. All new trustees will receive an induction and be assigned a ‘buddy’ — a more experienced trustee- to help you to settle into your role.

In terms of time, you’ll need to be able to attend Board and relevant sub-committee meetings as often as possible. There are roughly 12 meetings a year (six board, six sub-committees). Some of these take place during the day, and some are in the early evening. Each one lasts around two hours, and you’ll have some information to read in advance.

You may also be invited to attend other hospice events and training sessions occasionally.

Our trustees are volunteers, so you won’t be paid for your time. We can, however, pay your expenses — so speak to us if that would be helpful.


Please contact Val Stangoe, Chief Executive, to request an information pack or to arrange an informal chat over a coffee