You could win £2,500 in our Autumn Raffle!
Or you could win one of 14 other cash prizes in our hospice’s Autumn Raffle.
Every year, St Mary’s Hospice cares for patients and their loved ones across our community. Did you know that 8 out of every 10 patients we care for are funded via voluntary income? The need for support is a constant but please know there is no obligation to, we don’t want to add to anyone’s burden, especially during these difficult times. However, if you find yourself in the position you are able and would like to join our Autumn Ruffle it is quick and easy to sign up.
Last year our raffle raised a staggering £33,272 which is the equivalent of providing 1,651 bereavement sessions to loved ones or 97 Hospice at Home visits or 2,540 homecooked meals served up on our In-Patient Unit. So, anyone who wonders how their £1 could possibly make a difference, this is testimony to how your £1 changes lives. We will be forever grateful.
Tickets cost just £1 each and must be purchased before the closing date of 18 November 2022.
The draw will then be made on the 25 November 2022.