Spending time outdoors and close to nature can have a hugely positive effect on our wellbeing. So why not come and join us for a series of enjoyable, friendly outside sessions?
These sessions are open to people with a diagnosis of Dementia and their carers/ family members.
Session dates:
Tuesday 10th October
Gentle walk to Ford Park (weather permitting).
Making sun catchers in the Cavendish Room
Tuesday 31st October
Gentle walk to Ford Park (weather permitting) .
Pumpkin carving and baking bird feeders
Tuesday 5th December
Christmas Carols, Poetry, Making Festive nature decorations
All sessions please meet at the Cavendish Room at 1:30pm, St Mary’s Hospice, Ulverston
To book a place please call our Living Well Centre team on 01229 444407
We look forward to welcoming you!