Memory Lane Cafe at Windermere

Are you or someone you know affected by dementia? The Memory Lane Cafe at The Marchesi Centre Windermere provides a supportive and safe space for those affected to socialise, share stories and connect with others on similar journeys. Supported by St Mary’s Hospice, the cafe will be running monthly from Thursday 27th April 1.30-3.30pm. To …

St Mary’s Hospice’s Day of Reflection

Thursday 23rd March 2023 is the third UK National Day of Reflection. This unique day is an opportunity to remember our loved ones who’ve died, support people that are grieving, and connect with each other. This year Marie Curie is asking organisations to come together and create a Wall of Reflection. The walls will be …

National Complementary Therapy Week

This week at St Mary’s Hospice we celebrate National Complementary Therapy week! This week aims to raise awareness about the importance and benefits of complementary therapies in promoting health and wellbeing. Complementary therapies refer to a range of practices and treatments that are used in addition to or alongside conventional medicine. Here at St Mary’s …

Santa’s having fun in the sun!

The Rotary Club of Furness are bringing back Christmas this summer! After the weather cancelled the run in Decemeber 2022 we are hoping to see santas out in the sunshine on Saturday 24th June instead! Registrations are now open at £5 per child, £5 per adult OR £15 for a family of 4! You’ll get …