Grief Matters

COVID has brought unexpected death across our community leaving many grieving. This series of videos from St Mary’s Hospice aims to help you support those you know who have lost someone. Being bereaved can be a lonely time, and isolation can make it more difficult. St Mary’s is here for our community. Here’s how you …

Three months in the life of St Mary’s Hospice …

And what strange months they have been! We imagine yours have been too. A week before national lockdown began, St Mary’s Hospice recognised that those most at risk were those we saw regularly either as patients or volunteers. That’s people living with advancing illness and older people. At that point we sent all volunteers home …

June’s online remembrance service

We understand that the current extraordinary circumstances may mean many people are unable to say goodbye to family and friends as they would wish to. We have just held June’s online remembrance service in a hope to provide a space to remember and reflect. This is shared live through our closed facebook group. You can …

Living Well Centre Update

St Mary’s Hospice serves part of South Lakeland and all of the Furness Peninsula with the hospice situated in Ulverston 11 miles away from the area’s largest local conurbation in Barrow. At the Trustee Away Day in 2016 Trustees agreed as priority the finding of a way to deliver more care into Barrow for the …


Did you know that by sending your unwanted books, games , CDs and DVDs to Ziffit you can make a donation directly to St Mary’s Hospice? Whoever said charity begins at home was right- this is a simple way to fundraise for us and still stay at home and stay safe by turning decluttering into …