Great to see our volunteers on reception …

It is great to see our volunteers coming back to our reception and provide a warm and friendly welcome to St Mary’s. Our volunteer Norma shares her experience: “After weeks of hibernation, the options of daily walks, mask making, reading, Whatsapp chats, decluttering, new recipes, or not, was fairly exhausted. Returning to volunteering felt good, …

Balloons to Remember

St Mary’s Hospice is inviting supporters to take part in a virtual Balloons to Remember race. Mel Dixon, St Mary’s Hospice: “Covid-19 has regrettably meant the cancellation of our much loved ‘Walk to Remember’ event this year. We are aware that so many of you join us year on year to have the opportunity to …

Grief Matters

COVID has brought unexpected death across our community leaving many grieving. This series of videos from St Mary’s Hospice aims to help you support those you know who have lost someone. Being bereaved can be a lonely time, and isolation can make it more difficult. St Mary’s is here for our community. Here’s how you …