St Mary’s here for our community

St Mary’s Hospice is really grateful to Cumbria County Council and Age UK Barrow for taking over management of the Hub in our Living Well Centre on Duke Street in Barrow. They will now be coordinating support to local residents who are self- isolating. This enables our staff who supported the hub to focus on …

St Mary’s Living Well Programme

Living with illness can be hard. There are different ways people find to manage illness. Some find it helps to talk with those with similar problems, learning together how to manage. Many find staying active through exercise and other activity helps. Having fun with others can also take your mind from your illness. Our experience …

What the hospice means to me

When I found out my work experience was at St Mary’s Hospice part of me was nervous however the other part of me was really intrigued to find out more about the service and what it provides. Everyone is so welcoming at the hospice which makes it a much more happier place and it has …

Volunteering at the Orangery Cafe

I’ve been volunteering at the Orangery Cafe in St Mary’s Hospice for a year now and I honestly can’t believe how fast the year has been. Walking in on my first day I felt nervous and hesitant having a undeserving idea that the hospice would be overflowing with grief, despair and misery. I couldn’t have …