Please note this service is currently suspended – it is hoped it will resume in the future
We offer respite care in our In Patient Unit or in the person’s own home.
What is Respite Care?
Caring for someone with multiple and/or complex care needs can use up a lot of time and energy, often both day and night.
Respite care offers a temporary break from caring. It offers the carer some time for themselves, to relax a little or to catch up on some sleep, or to get out and have some exercise or meet up with friends.
While the carer is having a break, their loved one is cared for in the hospice or in your home.
What can the service do?
We offer different types of respite care:
- In the In-Patient Unit for a few days or a week
- At home, through a trained and experienced Health Care Assistant being available for up to 3 hours at a time
- Overnight through provision of a trained and experienced Health Care Assistant to look after the person overnight to allow the family carer to sleep.
How can I get referred?
If you could benefit from this or know someone who could please get in touch on 01229 580305, or speak to your Consultant, GP or Specialist Nurse and ask them to refer you.